
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is offered to all students to help resolve personal or interpersonal problems.
Example of problems:
Family Changes (Divorce, Death, etc.)
and many more
S.M.A.R.T. Goals

When working with students individually on a weekly basis, we use SMART goals to help measure their progress. Goals are important for everyone, they help you navigate through life and help you make positive changes in your life.

Square Breathing
When a student comes in crying or anxious or angry, my go-to breathing technique is square breathing. Drawing a square as you breathe and the deep, slow breathing is a perfect way to help calm them.
Minute Meetings:
This is the perfect way to meet with them one-on-one quickly and get to know them better.
I had a quick questionnaire*:
How are you doing today? School? Home? Friends?
What High School are you planning on attending?
What do you do in your free time?
What do you love?
If you could travel anywhere or meet anyone, where or who would that be?
*Questions vary for the different grade levels

Negative Self-Talk
We have students that are very hard on themselves and uses negative self-talk, or a fixed mindset.
My goal is to flip their thinking into a growth mindset. Growth Mindset is when a student believes they can develop the skill and talent to do something through hard work and trying/learning new methods to succeed.
Tip: The Power of Yet
One easy way to help your student is saying "yet" more often. When you add "yet" into a negative sentences you change the sentence completely. It helps students know that they can do anything they put their mind to.
Give it a try:
I can't do this
I don't understand this
It didn't work
I don't get this